Thursday, May 8, 2014


Dear Reader,

Welcome to my page. I've dedicated it to my road trip and will post periodically from California to Alaska to keep you informed, amuse you, or at the very least give you a few screensavers to copy.

For my friends: If you're bored and wish you weren't where you are, I hope I'll post a few things to make you laugh.  I'll try to keep up a decent review of  places I visit so that if you find yourself with  time to travel, you can decide for yourself whether or not to go where I have.

Oh and for anyone worried about me (you know who you are), I promise not to cuddle any grizzlies. 

For my family: Don't worry! I'll be just fine.
Specifically for my mother: this is not "Into the Wild"... I promise not to try wintering in any abandoned structures and I promise not to eat any questionable berries. 

For anyone else who stumbles into my page and gets stuck (I hope there will be at least one of you out there):

This is a log of my trip through the Pacific Northwest, into Canada, and hopefully into Alaska.  Feel free to use my pictures for personal stuff... but please don't use my pics in ads, etc. 


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