Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Portland is a weird city with redeeming qualities.  The downtown is reminiscent of San Francisco, with square blocks bordered by an impractical number of one-way streets and I can imagine that without GPS, driving would be impossible.   Homeless people flood the streets and with so many asking for change, I don’t understand how anyone pays for metered parking. Although the downtown has its rough blocks, voodoo donuts were a sweet kernel and I was amazed at the number of breweries.  It’s strange how well the show Portlandia captures the atmosphere, because from the infinite number of coffee shops to the unnervingly nice drivers, I felt like I was living on its set. 

Rogue Brewery's sampler

On one side of the downtown, the Columbia River cuts Portland in half and on the other side of the downtown, a shady suburb crops up, melding seamlessly into the park.  Forest Park rises behind the city, crowned by a cluster of cell towers; houses fall farther apart and fade out as the forest becomes dense and it was unbelievable how quickly the city was left behind.
A bridge across the Columbia

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